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My Dream Is Bigger Than...
Dear U-M Regents,
I am a concerned student at the University of Michigan, and I ask you to support tuition equality. In adopting tuition equality, the University will put an end to its discriminatory policies towards undocumented students and ensure that every Michigander at the University gets a fair tuition rate.
This is not a Republican issue nor a Democratic one. Rather, this is an issue that affects the lives of tens-of-thousands undocumented youth from Michigan. The prohibitive cost of a University education prevents too many of these youths from realizing their dreams. In support of these dreams and an accessible University, the Coalition for Tuition Equality (CTE) (http://www.tuitionequality.org/) is holding a protest this morning (10/25) (http://www.mydreamisbiggerthan.com/) in front of the Fleming Administration Building.
I stand in solidarity with the CTE and undocumented youth around the state. I encourage you to support undocumented Michiganders as well and work with CTE to ensure tuition equality as soon as possible.
A Concerned University Student